700 Tiefling Names to Fuel Your Creativity

Welcome to our blog post on “700 Tiefling Names”! If you’re in search of amazing Tiefling names for your fantasy characters, you’ve come to the right place. As Shakespeare once said, “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” Similarly, a captivating Tiefling name can add depth and intrigue to your imaginative worlds.

As a Fantasy Character Naming Specialist with four years of experience, I’ve had the pleasure of diving into the vast realms of name creation. From noble knights to cunning rogues, I’ve explored the intricacies of character naming, and Tieflings hold a special place in my heart. With their infernal heritage and unique qualities, finding the perfect name that captures their essence can be a thrilling challenge.

In this article, I promise you a treasure trove of 700 unique Tiefling names that will inspire and elevate your storytelling. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or a budding enthusiast, these names will help you breathe life into your Tiefling characters. So let’s embark on this journey together and discover the perfect name that will make your Tieflings truly unforgettable.

Tiefling Names

  • Vexis
  • Malakar
  • Seraphina
  • Raziel
  • Lilith
  • Ashren
  • Morvath
  • Nyx
  • Zephyr
  • Sable
  • Astrid
  • Lucian
  • Elysia
  • Dante
  • Ravenna
  • Kael
  • Ember
  • Lyra
  • Maelis
  • Seraphel
  • Azazel
  • Selene
  • Nero
  • Morgana
  • Thorne
  • Zahara
  • Eldritch
  • Azrael
  • Lysander
  • Vespera
  • Zephyra
  • Valerius
  • Sylvara
  • Damon
  • Seraphel
  • Morrigan
  • Zarael
  • Astraea
  • Malachi
  • Lirael
  • Vesper
  • Calypso
  • Cassius
  • Seraphine
  • Lyraeus
  • Nocturna
  • Aris
  • Zarathos
  • Ebon
  • Nyxandra
  • Azariah
  • Isolde
  • Vesperia
  • Raine
  • Lucinda
  • Valerian
  • Serafina
  • Zephyrus
  • Ravena
  • Magnus
  • Zaraeth
  • Marcella
  • Asher
  • Seren
  • Mordecai
  • Zephyrine
  • Selena
  • Draconis
  • Azura
  • Oberon
  • Nefara
  • Lazarus
  • Seraphia
  • Rosalind
  • Alistair
  • Zaria
  • Ebona
  • Cassian
  • Seraphiel
  • Nysander
  • Xanthe
  • Aurelius
  • Thalia
  • Aria
  • Demetrius
  • Seraphira
  • Octavia
  • Zephyria

20 Tiefling Names With Meanings

Nihil: Meaning “void” or “nothing,” this name captures the mysterious nature of Tieflings.

Ember: Symbolizing their fiery essence, this name represents the inner flames of Tieflings.

Seraphine: Evoking angelic origins, this name highlights the celestial touch within Tieflings.

Ravenna: Conjuring images of darkness and shadows, this name embodies the alluring and seductive nature of Tieflings.

Zephyr: Reflecting their unpredictable nature, this name signifies the ever-shifting winds that surround Tieflings.

Astrid: Signifying strength and nobility, this name encapsulates the regal presence of Tieflings.

Malakar: Derived from infernal origins, this name denotes the power and authority possessed by Tieflings.

Lyra: Inspired by celestial constellations, this name represents the ethereal grace and beauty of Tieflings.

Lucian: Meaning “light-bringer,” this name highlights the duality of Tieflings as both creatures of darkness and bearers of light.

Sable: Symbolizing their mysterious and shadowy nature, this name embodies the enigmatic allure of Tieflings.

Selene: Derived from the moon goddess, this name conveys the enchanting and mystical aura surrounding Tieflings.

Morvath: Evoking a sense of darkness and brooding power, this name captures the intimidating presence of Tieflings.

Azrael: Inspired by angelic lore, this name signifies the divine aspect within Tieflings, juxtaposed with their infernal heritage.

Elysia: Derived from the concept of heavenly bliss, this name represents the desire for redemption and transcendence among Tieflings.

Vesper: Meaning “evening star,” this name reflects the nocturnal nature and haunting allure of Tieflings.

Zarael: Combining elements of infernal and celestial origins, this name embodies the complex nature of Tieflings.

Thorne: Symbolizing both protection and danger, this name represents the fierce and resilient nature of Tieflings.

Azara: Inspired by ancient and arcane influences, this name signifies the mystical and magical abilities of Tieflings.

Ebon: Denoting darkness and shadow, this name captures the essence of Tieflings as creatures of the night.

Nyx: Derived from the Greek goddess of the night, this name epitomizes the dark and mysterious aura surrounding Tieflings.

Male Tiefling Names

Lucius: Bringer of light and knowledge.

Samael: Venomous and fierce warrior.

Draven: Cunning and skilled trickster.

Azazel: Rebel leader against divine authority.

Vexis: Mischievous and unpredictable troublemaker.

Malakar: Noble ruler of infernal realms.

Raziel: Keeper of arcane secrets.

Belial: Master of deception and manipulation.

Asher: Infernal blacksmith and craftsman.

Mordecai: Dark sorcerer with ancient knowledge.

Xander: Agile and stealthy rogue.

Lazarus: Bearer of rebirth and resurrection.

Valerian: Valiant warrior with indomitable courage.

Caliban: Beast-like, yet fiercely loyal.

Dante: Fiery and passionate poet.

Azrael: Angel of death and judgment.

Malachi: Messenger of the infernal realm.

Oberon: Ruler of enchanted forests and magic.

Lucian: Seeker of truth and enlightenment.

Zephyr: Master of swift winds and agility.

Kael: Sorcerer of powerful fire magic.

Damon: Seductive and charismatic charmer.

Orion: Mighty hunter of the night.

Thorne: Protector with thorny resilience.

Magnus: Towering and formidable warrior.

Cassius: Dark knight with a tragic past.

Ashur: Guardian of ancient knowledge.

Zephyrus: Gentle breeze and calming presence.

Raze: Unleasher of destructive infernal powers.

Marcellus: Elegant and refined aristocrat.

Female Tiefling Names

Lilith: Temptress with ancient wisdom.

Seraphina: Radiant angelic beauty and grace.

Ravenna: Enchantress of shadows and secrets.

Nyx: Goddess of the night sky.

Zarael: Celestial princess of infernal descent.

Ember: Fiery spirit and passionate energy.

Selene: Moonlit goddess of mysticism.

Sable: Dark and mysterious seductress.

Astrid: Star-born warrior and leader.

Lucinda: Illuminated soul with celestial presence.

Elysia: Seeker of divine bliss and purity.

Vesper: Evening star and twilight enchantment.

Azariah: Healer with divine infernal powers.

Lyra: Celestial melody and enchanting voice.

Morvath: Queen of darkness and power.

Seraphine: Serene angelic being with infernal heritage.

Seren: Serene and tranquil spirit.

Thalia: Muse of inspiration and creativity.

Nocturna: Night-born sorceress of shadows.

Zephyra: Whispering winds and gentle breeze.

Serafina: Divine and heavenly presence.

Liliana: Dark beauty with a touch of magic.

Morgana: Enigmatic sorceress with ancient knowledge.

Xanthe: Radiant golden light and joy.

Zephyrine: Airy and ethereal enchantress.

Valeria: Valiant warrior with infernal strength.

Emberlynn: Spark of fire and passion.

Callista: Fierce and resolute battle maiden.

Amara: Immortal soul with infernal grace.

Selena: Moon goddess of mystic power.

Unique Tiefling Names

Ashryn: Fiery spirit with inner strength.

Netheris: Shadowy essence, master of illusions.

Vespera: Evening star, harbinger of darkness.

Sylvaris: Forest-born, nature’s enigmatic child.

Infernia: Infernal flame, burning with intensity.

Astraea: Celestial maiden, bearer of light.

Zephyrus: Wind’s whisper, agile and swift.

Malachai: Divine messenger, bound by darkness.

Nyxia: Night’s essence, mysterious and captivating.

Aetheris: Ethereal being, traversing realms.

Seraphel: Seraphic grace, heavenly countenance.

Marzena: Lunar enchantress, mistress of shadows.

Ignatia: Ignited passion, relentless determination.

Elysium: Divine sanctuary, eternal paradise.

Morvanna: Queen of darkness, bewitching sorceress.

Zariah: Gifted with celestial radiance.

Nysander: Mystic sage, conduit of knowledge.

Sablethorn: Dark beauty with thorny resilience.

Eldritch: Ancient magic, arcane mysteries.

Virelai: Melodic enchantment, captivating melodies.

Azraelle: Angelic darkness, harbinger of fate.

Solara: Solar energy, radiant and fierce.

Lucidian: Illuminated soul, seeker of truth.

Obsidian: Solid as black stone, impenetrable.

Zaraena: Celestial fire, ablaze with passion.

Sylphine: Air elemental, gentle yet powerful.

Nocturne: Night’s symphony, hauntingly beautiful.

Malachandra: Divine protector, guardian of secrets.

Shadowveil: Cloaked in shadows, mysterious presence.

Lunara: Moonlit grace, mystical enchantment.

Common Tiefling Names

Damien: Touched by infernal power.

Lilith: Night-born, seductive enchantress.

Malachi: Divine messenger of darkness.

Seraphina: Celestial beauty with infernal heritage.

Asher: Fiery soul, embraced by shadows.

Raven: Mysterious and darkly alluring.

Ember: Smoldering spark of inferno.

Dante: Fearless and passionate adventurer.

Celeste: Heavenly essence, tainted by infernal.

Magnus: Mighty and formidable presence.

Aurora: Dawn’s light, touched by darkness.

Valeria: Valiant warrior with infernal strength.

Amara: Immortal soul, bound by inferno.

Lucian: Illuminated by celestial grace.

Selene: Moonlit goddess of mystery.

Alistair: Noble lineage, touched by darkness.

Nyx: Goddess of the night sky.

Zarael: Celestial descent, bound by inferno.

Thalia: Muse of creativity, veiled in shadows.

Azazel: Rebel spirit, defying divine.

Lyra: Celestial melody, whispered in shadows.

Seraphel: Seraphic essence, veiled darkness.

Mordecai: Dark sorcerer, wielding ancient power.

Sable: Cloaked in shadows, enigmatic presence.

Vesper: Evening star, heralding nightfall.

Astrid: Star-born warrior, embracing infernal strength.

Zephyr: Gentle breeze, harbinger of change.

Nefara: Enigmatic queen, commanding infernal loyalty.

Xander: Agile and cunning trickster.

Liliana: Dark beauty, mistress of secrets.

Fantasy Tiefling Names

Shadowthorn: Dark warrior, protected by thorns.

Nightshade: Poisonous beauty, cloaked in darkness.

Ashenheart: Smoldering passion, forged in fire.

Moonshadow: Mysterious wanderer, guided by moonlight.

Stormbringer: Unleasher of tempestuous power.

Bloodfire: Burning blood, fueling infernal strength.

Voidcaster: Conjurer of cosmic darkness.

Soulrend: Shattered soul, seeking redemption.

Duskwraith: Spectral presence, haunting the night.

Emberlyn: Radiant flame, gentle yet fierce.

Starwhisper: Celestial messenger, whispering cosmic secrets.

Doomreaver: Harbinger of destruction, unstoppable force.

Silentstorm: Silent fury, raging tempest within.

Ashenborn: Born from ashes, reborn anew.

Skysong: Melodic voice, echoing through heavens.

Vilethorn: Corrupted nature, infused with darkness.

Shadowstrike: Swift and deadly assassin of shadows.

Frostbane: Freezing touch, warding off warmth.

Infernus: Hellish inferno, engulfing adversaries.

Moonshadow: Elusive and enigmatic, dancing in moonlight.

Bloodfang: Savage predator, hungry for blood.

Evernight: Eternal darkness, shrouding all.

Voidwalker: Wanderer between realms, void-bound traveler.

Ashenblade: Charred blade, cleaving through foes.

Dreadwhisper: Voice of terror, haunting dreams.

Thundersoul: Thunderous power, resonating in the soul.

Ebonwing: Dark-winged, soaring through night skies.

Shadowbane: Bane of shadows, banishing darkness.

Nightflame: Fiery darkness, casting shadows in the night.

Soulthief: Devourer of souls, consuming essence.

Famous Tiefling Names

Mephistopheles: Infernal lord, master of deals.

Asmodeus: Archduke of Nine Hells.

Glasya: Princess of deception and intrigue.

Fierna: Seductive temptress, ruler of pleasure.

Dispater: Iron tyrant, lord of Dis.

Belial: Lord of lies and secrets.

Zariel: Fallen angel turned warlord.

Mammon: Greedy hoarder of wealth.

Baalzebul: Lord of flies and corruption.

Graz’zt: Seductive demon prince of indulgence.

Levistus: Imprisoned lord of Stygia.

Fraz-Urb’luu: Prince of deception and madness.

Geryon: Beast-like ruler of Avernus.

Malcanthet: Queen of succubi, temptress supreme.

Dispater: Ruler of Dis, master manipulator.

Kostchtchie: Frost giant lord, brutal conqueror.

Baphomet: Demon prince of minotaurs.

Orcus: Undead lord, master of undeath.

Eltab: Mad and chaotic demon lord.

Gargauth: Deceiver and manipulator extraordinaire.

Kostchtchie: Frost giant lord, brutal conqueror.

Bel: Infernal master of war.

Moloch: Ruthless lord of tyranny.

Baalphegor: Demon prince of debauchery.

Titivillus: Mischief-maker and corrupter of words.

Geryon: Three-headed lord of deceit.

Buer: Demon physician and healer.

Focalor: Drowning demon prince of storms.

Zepar: Demon prince of seduction and lust.

Eurynome: Queen of serpents and chaos.

Popular Tiefling Names

Inferno: Fiery essence, burning with power.

Shadow: Mysterious and enigmatic presence.

Ember: Spark of infernal energy.

Lilith: Seductive and alluring enchantress.

Ravage: Devastating force, leaving destruction.

Viper: Venomous and cunning predator.

Aurora: Radiant and celestial beauty.

Ash: Remnant of infernal fire.

Nyx: Night-born, cloaked in darkness.

Seraph: Angelic grace, touched by inferno.

Raven: Dark and mysterious companion.

Malice: Malevolent intent, harbinger of chaos.

Dante: Fearless adventurer, dancing with shadows.

Sable: Cloaked in darkness, elusive presence.

Nova: Explosive and radiant energy.

Phoenix: Resilient spirit, rising from ashes.

Vesper: Evening star, guiding light.

Nebula: Cosmic energy, swirling mysteries.

Onyx: Solid as black gemstone.

Zara: Enigmatic and captivating presence.

Nexus: Conduit of supernatural energies.

Emberlyn: Flickering flame of inferno.

Malachi: Divine messenger, touched by darkness.

Celestia: Celestial essence, embraced by inferno.

Orion: Hunter of the celestial realm.

Zephyr: Gentle breeze, harbinger of change.

Scarlet: Intense and passionate presence.

Phoenix: Immortal and reborn soul.

Nova: Exploding star, radiant brilliance.

Ashlyn: Ashen beauty, smoldering charm.

Cool Tiefling Names

Vex: Mischievous troublemaker, harboring secrets.

Zephyrus: Swift and gentle breeze.

Kaida: Fiery spirit, ignited by inferno.

Sylas: Cunning and charismatic trickster.

Nyxen: Nightborn, enigmatic and mysterious.

Shadowstrike: Deadly and precise warrior.

Astrid: Star-born, radiant and ethereal.

Ignis: Flames of infernal power.

Riven: Broken, yet resilient soul.

Zarael: Celestial descent, touched by darkness.

Onyxia: Black gemstone, harbinger of shadows.

Kaelan: Fiery battle spirit, unstoppable force.

Luna: Moon-inspired grace, mysterious allure.

Vespera: Evening star, guiding light.

Zenith: Pinnacle of infernal power.

Kieran: Dark and enigmatic sorcerer.

Ashlyn: Ashen beauty, smoldering presence.

Sablethorne: Thorny resilience, dark elegance.

Drake: Dragon-blooded warrior, fierce protector.

Emberlyn: Ember of passion and fire.

Zephyria: Airy and ethereal enchantress.

Kyran: Swift and agile shadow dancer.

Phoenix: Reborn from infernal ashes.

Raine: Stormy and tempestuous spirit.

Seraphel: Seraphic essence, veiled darkness.

Orion: Hunter of celestial realms.

Zaraena: Celestial fire, ablaze with passion.

Bladeheart: Courageous warrior, fierce determination.

Nova: Explosive and radiant energy.

Zenobia: Mystical and wise enchantress.

Best Tiefling Names

Asher: Blessed with infernal power.

Nyx: Night’s embodiment, shadowy allure.

Zephyr: Gentle breeze, fleeting presence.

Celestia: Heavenly essence, infernal grace.

Ember: Fiery spark, burning passion.

Seraphine: Seraphic beauty, celestial descent.

Orion: Hunter of celestial realms.

Raven: Mysterious and wise companion.

Astrid: Star-born, radiant enchantress.

Lucius: Illuminated by infernal brilliance.

Sable: Cloaked in darkness, elusive.

Aria: Melodic voice, captivating presence.

Nova: Explosive energy, radiant brilliance.

Zarael: Celestial descent, bound by inferno.

Seraphel: Seraphic essence, veiled darkness.

Vesper: Evening star, guiding light.

Phoenix: Resilient soul, reborn triumphantly.

Selene: Moonlit grace, enchanting presence.

Ashlyn: Ashen beauty, smoldering charm.

Dusk: Embrace of twilight, mysterious.

Amara: Immortal soul, burning inferno.

Caspian: Adventurous spirit, boundless curiosity.

Aurora: Dawn’s radiant light, celestial.

Azrael: Angelic darkness, harbinger of fate.

Serenity: Tranquil and serene spirit.

Zephyrus: Wind’s whisper, gentle power.

Lyra: Celestial melody, heavenly harmony.

Magnus: Great and mighty presence.

Emberlyn: Flickering ember of inferno.

Elysia: Heavenly paradise, divine bliss.

Tiefling Names

How to Name Your Tiefling Character

Here are some tips:

Embracing the Infernal Heritage

To begin the process of naming your Tiefling character, it is crucial to understand their nature and background. Tieflings are descendants of fiends, and their physical features often bear traces of their infernal lineage. Embrace these unique traits and allow them to influence the name you choose.

Consider incorporating infernal elements such as “Ash,” “Ember,” or “Shadow” to reflect their demonic heritage. By doing so, you not only infuse depth into your character but also establish a strong connection to their origins.

Drawing Inspiration from Mythology and Folklore

Mythology and folklore are treasure troves of inspiration when it comes to naming Tiefling characters. Explore the realms of demons, devils, and other infernal entities from various mythologies.

Names like “Mephistopheles,” “Lilith,” or “Asmodeus” carry a sense of mystique and add an air of authenticity to your character. Delve deep into the rich lore and discover unique and lesser-known infernal beings that might align with your Tiefling’s personality and backstory.

Tapping into Symbolism and Meanings

Names hold significant meaning in the realm of fantasy, and Tiefling names are no exception. Consider the symbolism associated with different words, colors, or elements.

For example, “Raven” can signify mystery and intelligence, while “Crimson” may evoke a sense of passion and power. Delve into the nuances of symbolic associations and select a name that resonates with your Tiefling’s traits and narrative purpose.

Balancing Darkness and Light

Tieflings often wrestle with their dual nature, caught between their infernal heritage and the potential for good within them. Reflect this delicate balance in their name by blending elements of darkness and light.

A name like “Duskblade” can evoke both shadows and the blade of a protector, representing the intricate duality of a Tiefling character. Strive to find a harmonious combination that captures their unique struggle and journey.

Considering Cultural and Linguistic Influences

Cultural backgrounds and linguistic influences can add depth and authenticity to your Tiefling character’s name. Research naming conventions of different cultures and draw inspiration from their languages.

For instance, a Tiefling character with ties to a desert culture might have a name derived from Arabic or Persian roots, while a character hailing from a Nordic-inspired realm may carry a name with strong Scandinavian influences. By incorporating these elements, you infuse your character with a sense of cultural identity and richness.

Personalizing the Name

Ultimately, the name you choose for your Tiefling character should reflect their individuality and personality. Consider their traits, goals, and backstory. Is your Tiefling character cunning, charismatic, or perhaps more reserved?

Craft a name that encapsulates these qualities, resonating with both the character and the world they inhabit. Aim for a memorable and unique name that stands out, leaving a lasting impression on your fellow players or readers.


Naming your Tiefling character is an opportunity to delve into the realms of creativity and imagination. By understanding their infernal heritage, drawing inspiration from mythology, symbolism, and cultural influences, and personalizing the name to reflect their individuality, you can create a name that brings your Tiefling character to life.

Embrace the depth and complexity of their nature, and let the chosen name become a powerful tool in shaping their narrative journey.


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