700 City Names That Transport You to the Realm of Imagination

Step into a world where imagination meets reality, as we embark on a fascinating journey through the realm of 700 city names. Brace yourself for an adventure that will unveil remarkable urban identities, each with its own story to tell. As the great J.R.R. Tolkien once said, “Not all those who wander are lost.” Similarly, not all those who delve into the realm of city names are mere explorers; they are discoverers of enchanting narratives and hidden treasures.

Having spent four years immersed in the art of naming, particularly in the realm of fantasy characters, I stand before you as a specialist in this captivating field. From conjuring names for mythical creatures to crafting identities for heroes and villains, I have honed my expertise in the art of naming. Through my experience, I have come to appreciate the power and significance behind every carefully chosen word. City names, too, possess a similar magic, intertwining history, culture, and creativity to form a tapestry of urban identity.

In the following pages, you will find yourself on a quest to unearth a unique name that resonates with your imagination. Each name within the 700 city names holds the promise of uniqueness and intrigue, waiting to be discovered by an eager explorer like yourself. Prepare to be captivated by the origins, meanings, and tales behind these urban monikers, as we unlock a world of inspiration and possibilities. Let your journey begin, and may you find a name that will transport you to realms beyond your wildest dreams.

City Names

  • Aurora
  • Serendipity
  • Havenbrook
  • Evergreen
  • Eldoria
  • Avalon
  • Emberlyn
  • Solstice
  • Verdant
  • Sapphire City
  • Silvermoon
  • Willowbrook
  • Ashbourne
  • Stardust
  • Tranquilville
  • Whiteridge
  • Misty Hollow
  • Harmony
  • Radiance
  • Dreamhaven
  • Brookshire
  • Amberlyn
  • Celestia
  • Havenwood
  • Moonstone
  • Eden Falls
  • Whispering Pines
  • Melodyville
  • Serenity Springs
  • Crestview
  • Rosemont
  • Oceanview
  • Emberwood
  • Solace City
  • Starlight
  • Blissfield
  • Willowmere
  • Aurora Bay
  • Havencrest
  • Silverbrook
  • Emerald Isle
  • Dreamville
  • Tranquility
  • Oakwood
  • Misthaven
  • Harmony Hill
  • Stardale
  • Serenadia
  • Evermore
  • Enchanted Springs
  • Brookside
  • Sunridge
  • Moonlight City
  • Solstice Valley
  • Whisperwind
  • Serendell
  • Emberfield
  • Havenport
  • Willowgrove
  • Starfall
  • Ashland
  • Havenvale
  • Crystal Bay
  • Tranquil Meadows
  • Eldermoor
  • Riverbend
  • Harmony Grove
  • Evergreen Heights
  • Serenity Cove
  • Willowmere
  • Silvercrest
  • Mistybrook
  • Emberwick
  • Havenhurst
  • Starhaven
  • Autumnwood
  • Meadowbrook
  • Serenith
  • Eldertown
  • Sunhaven

City Names

20 City Names With Meanings

Aurora: Dawn or new beginnings.

Serendipity: Happy coincidence or pleasant surprise.

Havenbrook: Safe and peaceful sanctuary.

Evergreen: Perpetual freshness and vitality.

Eldoria: Ancient and regal city.

Avalon: Mythical island of magic and mystery.

Emberlyn: Fiery and enchanting place.

Solstice: Symbolic of changing seasons and nature’s cycles.

Verdant: Lush and abundant city.

Sapphire City: Wisdom, loyalty, and precious jewels.

Willowbrook: Graceful city by the stream.

Whispering Pines: Serene and tranquil forested area.

Misty Hollow: Mystical and secluded valley.

Radiance: City emanating brilliance and light.

Tranquilville: Serene and peaceful urban haven.

Ashbourne: City known for its ash trees.

Stardust: Enchanting and magical realm.

Harmony: A place of balance and unity.

Crestview: City offering scenic views from its highest point.

Brookshire: Charming town near a brook.

City Names

French City Names

Paris: City of Love and Lights.

Marseille: Gateway to the Mediterranean Sea.

Lyon: Gastronomic Capital of France.

Toulouse: Pink City of Architecture.

Nice: Beautiful coastal resort city.

Nantes: City of Art and History.

Strasbourg: Crossroads of Europe and Culture.

Bordeaux: World-renowned Wine Capital.

Lille: Flemish Heritage and Vibrancy.

Rennes: Historical and Cultural Hub.

Reims: Champagne and Gothic Splendor.

Montpellier: Vibrant University City.

Aix-en-Provence: Elegant Provençal Town.

Cannes: Glamour and Film Festival.

Grenoble: Gateway to the Alps.

Saint-Tropez: Exclusive Riviera Playground.

Avignon: Papal Palace and Arts.

Annecy: Venetian Charm in France.

Dijon: Culinary Capital of Burgundy.

Tours: Historic City on the Loire River.

Rouen: Impressionist Art and History.

Angers: Castle and Tapestry Heritage.

Versailles: Opulent Palace and Gardens.

Nîmes: Roman Ruins and Bullfighting.

Nancy: Art Nouveau and Museums.

Metz: Cultural Melting Pot.

Clermont-Ferrand: Volcanic Landscapes and Culture.

Brest: Seaside Naval Port City.

Caen: Medieval Heritage and Normandy.

Saint-Malo: Walled Corsair City.

City Names

Weird City Names

Intercourse: Quaint Amish town in Pennsylvania.

Boring: Not so exciting city in Oregon.

Chicken: Alaskan town with fowl fascination.

Accident: Town with an unfortunate name in Maryland.

Truth or Consequences: Unique city name in New Mexico.

Hell: Unconventionally named village in Michigan.

Cut and Shoot: Curiously named town in Texas.

Santa Claus: Christmas-themed city in Indiana.

Dull: Unremarkable village in Scotland.

Peculiar: Uniquely named town in Missouri.

Booger Hole: Oddly named community in West Virginia.

Weed: California town with a hazy name.

Embarrass: Minnesota town with an awkward name.

Monkey’s Eyebrow: Quirky place name in Kentucky.

Frankenstein: German village with a monster connection.

Hilarious: Small village in Sweden with a funny name.

Ding Dong: Texas town with a catchy name.

Looneyville: Curiously named community in West Virginia.

Why: Remote Arizona town with a puzzling name.

Santa Claus Village: Christmas-themed village in Finland.

Middelfart: Danish town with an amusing name.

Noodle: Quirky named town in Texas.

Goobertown: Unconventionally named place in Arkansas.

Zzyzx: Unusual town name in California.

Lizard Lick: Humorous-sounding town in North Carolina.

Whynot: Unusual community name in Mississippi.

Zap: Energetic-sounding town in North Dakota.

Chicken Bristle: Oddly named place in Illinois.

Saint-Louis-du-Ha! Ha!: French village with a comical name.

Batman: Turkish city with a superhero-inspired name.

Unique City Names

Lumina: City of Illumination and Brilliance.

Eldoria: Realm of Ancient Elders.

Aquaville: Coastal City of Waters.

Astraluna: Celestial Haven of Moons.

Elysium: Paradise of Eternal Bliss.

Novacrest: New Heights and Aspirations.

Serendipia: Serendipitous Land of Surprises.

Veridian: Emerald Green Oasis.

Solstoria: Land of Endless Sun.

Harmonia: Perfect Balance and Harmony.

Spectra: City of Vibrant Colors.

Celestia: Heavenly Abode of Celestial Beings.

Eldertopia: Utopian Realm of Wisdom.

Solara: Radiant City of Sunshine.

Arcadia: Idyllic Pastoral Paradise.

Zephyria: Breezy City by the Wind.

Aetheria: Ethereal Realm of Ether.

Evermore: Forever Lasting and Timeless.

Maravista: Marvelous Vista and Views.

Enchantia: Enchanted Land of Magic.

Solsticea: Seasonal Haven of Equinox.

Amethysta: City of Enchanting Amethyst.

Avalora: Legendary City of Legends.

Verdanya: Verdant Green Heartland.

Luminara: Luminous City of Radiance.

Synergya: Synergistic Hub of Collaboration.

Auroria: Land of Golden Aura.

Mystara: Mysterious Realm of Secrets.

Avidora: City of Passionate Pursuits.

Arcanopolis: Mystic City of Arcane Knowledge.

Cool City Names

Velocity: City of Speed and Motion.

Zenith: Peak of Success and Achievement.

Nexus: Connection and Intersection Hub.

Radiant: Shining and Brilliant Metropolis.

Obsidian: City of Dark Elegance.

Vanguard: Frontline of Innovation and Progress.

Synthesis: Fusion of Cultures and Ideas.

Epoch: Era of New Beginnings.

Equinox: Balance and Harmony Capital.

Echo City: Resounding and Resonating Metropolis.

Stellaris: Celestial City of Stars.

Seraphia: Angelic and Serene Haven.

Luminary: Beacon of Inspiration and Light.

Aetherium: Ethereal and Transcendent Realm.

Apexia: Summit of Excellence and Achievement.

Sonora: Vibrant and Melodious City.

Chroma: Colorful and Vibrant Metropolis.

Arcadia: Utopian Paradise of Bliss.

Orion: Mighty and Powerful City.

Ignite: Spark of Creativity and Energy.

Vortex: Spiraling Center of Energy.

Solitude: Tranquil and Serene Urban Retreat.

Edenia: Garden of Blissful Delights.

Utopia: Ideal and Perfect City.

Velocity: City of Speed and Motion.

Elysia: Heavenly and Enchanting Place.

Empyrea: Towering and Majestic City.

Luminopolis: City of Illumination and Brilliance.

Synergos: Collaborative and Synergistic Hub.

NeoGenesis: New Beginning and Rebirth.

Fantasy City Names

Eldoria: Land of the Ancients.

Stormreach: Haven amidst turbulent weather.

Astralyn: Celestial realm of enchantment.

Shadowhaven: Sanctuary in the shadows.

Emberfall: City of eternal flames.

Frostholm: Chilled fortress in ice.

Radiantia: Brilliance that lights the way.

Mythosia: Realm of mythical wonders.

Starhaven: Celestial sanctuary of stars.

Everglade: Evergreen sanctuary in marshes.

Ironspire: Indomitable fortress of strength.

Dreamshore: Tranquil shores of dreams.

Eldermist: Mystical realm of ancient wisdom.

Whisperwind: City carried by gentle breeze.

Arcanum: Center of magical knowledge.

Glimmerhaven: City adorned with shimmering lights.

Havenwood: Sanctuary in the heart of the forest.

Crystalis: City of crystalline wonders.

Emberfall: Land forever ablaze with embers.

Stormholm: Stronghold amidst thunderstorms.

Lunaris: City bathed in moonlight.

Mistveil: Enshrouded realm of mystery.

Solstice: Domain of perpetual sunlight.

Shadowspire: Towering city veiled in darkness.

Verdantia: Lush and flourishing paradise.

Havenbrook: Tranquil town by the river.

Thundertop: City atop thunderous mountains.

Seraphim: Angelic realm of divine grace.

Ironwood: Fortress in the enchanted forest.

Etheria: Ethereal realm of magic.

Best City Names

Serenity: Peaceful haven of tranquility.

Harmony: Perfect balance and unity.

Ascendia: City of growth and progress.

Everlasting: Timeless city of endurance.

Jubilance: City filled with joyous celebration.

Enigma: Mysterious and intriguing metropolis.

Renaissance: Rebirth and cultural enlightenment.

Euphoria: Blissful utopia of happiness.

Majestica: Majestic and grand city.

Empyrean: Heavenly and divine realm.

Prospera: City thriving with prosperity.

Valora: City of valor and courage.

Edenia: Paradise of blissful delights.

Triumph: City of victorious achievements.

Luminary: Shining beacon of inspiration.

Veritas: City dedicated to truth and knowledge.

Celestia: Celestial and ethereal realm.

Nirvana: State of enlightenment and bliss.

Stellaris: City adorned with celestial wonders.

Enchanted: Magical realm of enchantment.

Radiance: City emanating brilliance and light.

Evermore: Eternal and everlasting city.

Nexus: Central hub of connections.

Seraphim: City graced by divine beings.

Arcadia: Idyllic paradise of contentment.

Elysium: Heavenly utopia of serenity.

Solace: Sanctuary for solace and comfort.

Aeon: Timeless city of the ages.

Beloved: Cherished and beloved metropolis.

Utopia: Ideal and perfect cityscape.

Famous City Names

Rome: Eternal City of Antiquity.

London: Historic and Cosmopolitan Metropolis.

Tokyo: Vibrant Capital of Japan.

Paris: City of Love and Lights.

New York: The Big Apple.

Istanbul: Bridging Two Continents.

Sydney: Harbor City Down Under.

Cairo: Gateway to Ancient Egypt.

Moscow: Capital of Russia’s Grandeur.

Beijing: Imperial City of China.

Athens: Cradle of Western Civilization.

Rio de Janeiro: City of Carnival and Samba.

Berlin: Divided and Reunited Capital.

Venice: Floating City of Canals.

Dubai: Modern Oasis in the Desert.

Florence: Renaissance Art and Culture.

Prague: Fairy-Tale City of Europe.

Buenos Aires: Tango Capital of Argentina.

Vienna: City of Classical Music.

Jerusalem: Holy City of Three Religions.

Mumbai: Bollywood and Financial Hub.

Barcelona: Gaudi’s Architectural Gem.

Marrakech: Vibrant Jewel of Morocco.

Cape Town: Gateway to Africa’s Beauty.

Kyoto: Ancient Capital of Japan.

Amsterdam: Canals and Tulips Paradise.

San Francisco: Golden Gate City.

Rio de Janeiro: Marvelous City of Brazil.

Cairo: Pharaohs’ Land on Nile.

Sydney: Harbour City Down Under.

Common City Names

Springfield: Field of Springs and Streams.

Oakville: Town of Majestic Oak Trees.

Riverside: City by the River’s Edge.

Meadowbrook: Beautiful Meadow by a Brook.

Hillcrest: Hilltop with Scenic Views.

Maplewood: Abundant with Maple Trees.

Willow Creek: Serene Creek Surrounded by Willows.

Lakeside: Situated by a Lake.

Pineville: Town with Abundant Pines.

Fairview: Town with Picturesque Views.

Ashford: Ford by the Ash Trees.

Brookside: Village near a Babbling Brook.

Greenfield: Field of Lush Greenery.

Sunnyvale: Sunny and Pleasant Town.

Woodland: Area Covered in Woodlands.

Oakdale: Valley with Oak Trees.

Lakeview: Scenic View of a Lake.

Clearwater: City with Clear Waters.

Cedarville: Town with Cedar Trees.

Parkhurst: Town with Beautiful Parks.

Springville: Town with Vibrant Springs.

Highland: Elevated Area with Beautiful Scenery.

Roseville: Town with Abundant Roses.

Foxborough: Home to Foxes and Streams.

Greenwood: Town with Verdant Greenery.

Hillside: Town on a Sloping Hill.

Stonebridge: Town with Stone Bridges.

Summerfield: Town with Bountiful Summers.

Willowdale: Valley filled with Willow Trees.

Hilltop: City on a Prominent Hill.

Popular City Names

Los Angeles: City of Angels and Dreams.

New York: The Big Apple.

Tokyo: Eastern Capital of Japan.

London: Historic and Cultural Hub.

Paris: City of Love and Lights.

Sydney: Vibrant Australian Metropolis.

Rome: Eternal City of Antiquity.

Beijing: Capital of China’s Power.

Dubai: Modern Oasis in Desert.

Istanbul: Bridge between Continents.

Mumbai: Bollywood and Financial Center.

Singapore: Clean and Efficient Metropolis.

Berlin: Historic and Reunited Capital.

Moscow: Capital of Russian Splendor.

Toronto: Cosmopolitan Hub of Canada.

Madrid: Dynamic Capital of Spain.

Cairo: Gateway to Ancient Egypt.

Rio de Janeiro: Carnival City of Brazil.

Amsterdam: Canals and Cultural Haven.

Buenos Aires: Tango Capital of Argentina.

Shanghai: Global Financial and Commercial Center.

Bangkok: Vibrant City of Contrasts.

Seoul: Modern and Tech-Savvy Capital.

Vienna: City of Music and Elegance.

San Francisco: Golden Gate City.

Prague: Fairytale City of Europe.

Sydney: Harbour City Down Under.

Barcelona: Gaudi’s Architectural Gem.

Cape Town: Gateway to African Beauty.

Florence: Artistic Heart of Italy.

City Names

How to Name Your City Character

Here are some tips:

Researching the Setting

Before diving into the naming process, it’s crucial to research and understand the setting of your city character. Delve into its background, including its history, culture, and geography. By gaining a deeper understanding of these aspects, you’ll be able to infuse authenticity and coherence into the name.

Analyze the geographical features, such as mountains, rivers, or unique landmarks, that define the city. Additionally, explore the cultural influences that shape its identity, including traditions, folklore, and language.

Identifying the City’s Traits

Every city has its own distinct personality and unique traits. To name your city character effectively, it’s essential to define these qualities. Consider the city’s character and its role within your story. Is it a bustling metropolis filled with modern technology, or a quaint and charming town steeped in tradition? Highlight the key characteristics that make the city stand out, such as its architecture, inhabitants, or primary industries. Furthermore, delve into the city’s historical significance, uncovering events or legends that shape its narrative.

Brainstorming Unique Names

With a solid understanding of your city character’s background and traits, it’s time to embark on the creative process of brainstorming unique names. Start by engaging in word association and mind mapping exercises. Jot down any words or phrases that come to mind when thinking about your city character.

Look for inspiration from mythology, drawing upon gods, goddesses, or legendary figures that align with the city’s attributes. Additionally, consider incorporating local slang or dialect to add an authentic touch to the name.

Crafting Memorable and Descriptive Names

As you delve into crafting the perfect name, focus on creating something memorable and descriptive. Your city character’s name should evoke imagery and emotion, painting a vivid picture in the reader’s mind. Utilize symbolism and metaphors that align with the city’s essence.

For example, if your city character represents hope and rebirth, consider a name that incorporates elements like “Phoenix” or “Renova.” Additionally, ensure the name is easily pronounceable and accessible to readers, striking a balance between originality and familiarity.

Seeking Feedback and Refinement

Once you have a list of potential names, it’s essential to seek feedback and refine your choices. Share your options with beta readers, fellow writers, or trusted friends who can provide valuable insights. Pay attention to the resonance of the names and how they are received by others.

Iterate on your choices, refining and narrowing down the options until you arrive at the name that best captures the essence of your city character.


Naming your city character is a fascinating journey that requires research, creativity, and a deep understanding of your fictional world. By thoroughly researching the setting, identifying the city’s traits, brainstorming unique names, and crafting memorable and descriptive choices, you can give your city character the perfect name it deserves.

Remember to seek feedback and refine your choices to ensure the name resonates with your readers and complements the overall narrative. Celebrate the uniqueness of your city character’s name, and let it guide you through the enchanting adventures that lie ahead in your storytelling journey.

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