700 Cool Axe Throwing Team Names Ideas To Choose From

Are you in search of some awesome axe throwing team names? Look no further! I’ve gathered the best axe throwing team names, ideas, and suggestions for you to choose from.

Having a good team name is essential when it comes to axe throwing. It not only adds a sense of camaraderie and identity to your team, but it also sets the tone for your competitions. A great team name can intimidate your opponents and boost your team’s morale.

In my opinion, a good team name should reflect the spirit of your team and the sport itself. It should be catchy, memorable, and unique. Whether you’re a group of friends or a professional team, the right name can make all the difference in your axe throwing journey.

So, if you’re ready to find the perfect team name that resonates with your axe throwing prowess, get ready to be inspired! I’ve curated a list of the best team names that will surely make you stand out and strike fear into your opponents. Let’s dive in and discover the ultimate axe throwing team name for your squad!

Axe Throwing Team Names

  • The Mighty Axes
  • Sharpshooters
  • Aim and Slam
  • Razor Renegades
  • Aim and Strike
  • Got an axe to grind
  • Target Takeover
  • Blade Blazers
  • The Axe-plorers
  • The Precision Prestige
  • Axe-treme Squad
  • The Axe Masters
  • The Axe Allies
  • Axe Ambushers
  • The Axe All-Stars
  • The Bullseye Blasters
  • Throwing Legends
  • The Lethal Lumberjacks
  • The Axe Conquerors
  • Heavy Metal Hurlers
  • Target Terminators
  • Bullseye Busters
  • The Axe Generals
  • The Axecutors
  • The Axe Assassins
  • Bullseye Bash
  • Bullseye Bandits
  • Axe Delight
  • Axellent Angels
  • Axecution Squad
  • The Axe Dynasty
  • Axcellent Throwers
  • Bullseye Brotherhood
  • The Axe Rebels
  • The Axeperts
  • Wood Choppers
  • Axe Experts
  • Bullseye Frenzy
  • The Axe Storm
  • Hatchet House
  • Throwing Thrillers
  • Target Takers
  • The Axe Artists
  • Edge Elite
  • Throwing Thunderstruck
  • Bullseye Bandits
  • The Blade Blasters
  • Razor Sharpshooters
  • The Axemen
  • The Axecution Squad
  • The Axe Enforcers
  • Edge Warriors
  • Sharpshooters United
  • Kiss our axes
  • Axemen Alliance
  • The Axe Masters
  • Razor Rhapsody
  • Trump’s Wall
  • The Timber Troopers
  • Axeholics Anonymous
  • Bullseye Bombers
  • Aim High
  • Aim for Fame
  • Axe Assaulters
  • The Axe-ecutioners
  • Blue Balls
  • Car Names for Girls
  • Axe Enthusiasts
  • Strike with Authority
  • The Wood Warriors
  • Aim and Destroy
  • The Throwing Tribe
  • Pink Party Theme Names
  • Throwing Thunderlords
  • The Timber Toss Titans
  • Strike Squad
  • Target Tramplers
  • Straight Down
  • Bullseye Bash
  • The Timber Tossing Team
  • Target Titans
  • Dirty Dozen
  • The Timber Thunders
  • The Axebusters
  • Looking Sharp
  • Bullseye Blitz
  • The Axe Warriors Guild
  • The Bullseye Battalion
  • The Hit Squad
  • The Axe-ecutioners
  • Bullseye Barracudas
  • The Precision Pioneers

Axe Throwing Team Names

Catchy Axe Throwing Team Names

  • The Precision Pilots
  • Axecution Angels
  • Sugar and Spike
  • Lumberjack Legends
  • The Aim Achievers
  • The Throwing Wizards
  • Got the chops to win
  • The Blade Bandits
  • The Blade Blazers
  • The Axe Rangers
  • Aim Assassins
  • The Underdogs
  • Bullseye Buzz
  • Edge Enforcers
  • The Axe Archers
  • Blade Benders
  • Double Bit
  • Potential Energy
  • Axe Files Force
  • Furious Flingers
  • Moving Targets
  • Throwing Titans
  • Bullseye Blitzkrieg
  • The Axellers
  • The Axe Sperts
  • The Axe Outlaws
  • Catapult Collective
  • Axe Adrenaline
  • The Axe Annihilators
  • Edge Elites
  • Kill Shot
  • Axe Ambushers
  • The Target Takers
  • Axe Art
  • The Lumberjacks
  • Better than the body spray
  • I must axe you a question
  • The Axehawks
  • Axe Avengers
  • Bullseye Bullets
  • Razor Renegades
  • Axe-celerators
  • Axcellent Squad
  • Random Axe of Kindness
  • The Axe-ecution Squad
  • The Timber Thrashers
  • Precision Pros
  • The Axe Igniters
  • Bullseyes
  • The Bullseye Breakthrough
  • Proud to Serve
  • The Axe Majestics
  • Axellent Squad
  • The Axe Fanatics
  • Bullseye Brigade
  • The Axe-plorers
  • Hitting the Marksmen
  • Axe-treme
  • Cast the Axe
  • Target Takers
  • Aim Avengers
  • The Axe Ambush
  • Strike with Precision
  • The Sharpshooters
  • Razor’s Edge
  • The Precision Pros
  • Pitch Posse
  • Axeperts
  • The Bullseye Blazers
  • The Axecution Squad
  • The Axeriders
  • The Axe Attackers
  • Axe All-Stars
  • The Axe Guardians
  • Axe Assassins
  • Throwing Thrillers
  • The Axe Berserkers
  • The Axe Gurus
  • Chopping Champions
  • Bullseye Bulldogs

Unique Axe Throwing Team Names Ideas

  • Heavy Metal Slayers
  • The Aim Attackers
  • The Axe Dominators
  • Blade Bandits
  • Bullseye Breakers
  • Served Hot
  • Aim for Success
  • Bullseye Blitzkrieg
  • Razor Ringers
  • Aim for Glory
  • Ballistics
  • The Axe-stravagant
  • The Axe Raiders
  • The Razor Renegades
  • Throwing Titans
  • Hack Job
  • Precision Protégés
  • Axe Attackers
  • The Bullseye Squad
  • Bullseye Battalion
  • Knock on wood
  • Heavy Metal Hitters
  • The Throwing Thunder
  • Chop, Chop
  • Axe Xplosion
  • The Bullseye Blitz
  • The Axe Ambassadors
  • Timber Tossers
  • Sharpshooting Renegades
  • Woodchoppers
  • Precision Powerhouses
  • The Throwing Titans
  • Precision Pursuers
  • Bullseye Battalion
  • Aim and Annihilate
  • Bullseye Bombardiers
  • The Wood Whippers
  • Axecution Heroes
  • The Axe Allies
  • The Axe Fiends
  • Battle Axe
  • Hit the Mark
  • Blade Bash
  • Axe Warriors
  • Big Axe
  • The Axe Flamethrowers
  • The Axeholics
  • Throw and Conquer
  • Axeperts XVII
  • Axe Maniacs
  • Razor Riders
  • Timber Tornadoes
  • The Lumber Legends
  • The Axe Commandos
  • The Axehawks
  • Let’s bury the hatchet
  • Razor Rippers
  • The Blade Breakers
  • The Timber Terminators
  • Get axed
  • Team USA-V
  • Aim and Axe-celerate
  • Axe Flippers
  • Bullseye Blazers
  • The Axe Tornadoes
  • Blade Battalion
  • The Precision Pursuit
  • Strike Team
  • Wood You Mind?
  • Axe-citing Squad
  • The Target Terminators
  • Serv-ivors
  • How axeciting!
  • The Precision Pursuers
  • Axe of Fury
  • The Cutting Edge
  • Get in Rotation
  • Axe Junkie
  • Bullseye Belles
  • The Precision Squad

Best Axe Throwing Team Names

  • The Bullseye Band
  • Bury the Hatchet
  • Blade Blazers
  • The Bullseye Busters
  • Power Prowlers
  • The Arrow Assassins
  • The Axe-perts
  • Precision Pioneers
  • Target Titans
  • Throwing Thrashers
  • The Hit Makers
  • The Target Tamers
  • Hatchet Buriers
  • American Psychos
  • The Precision Vanguard
  • Razor Resonance
  • Blade Blasters
  • Target Trappers
  • Throwing Thunda
  • The Axe Assassins
  • Bulls-eye Battalion
  • Target Takedown
  • Bullseye Brawlers
  • Get the Shaft
  • The Axeriders
  • Lob Legion
  • Bullseye Breakouts
  • Throwing Thunder
  • The Mighty Hurlers
  • The Blade Masters
  • The Axe-tion Heroes
  • Aim with Fury
  • Target Tornadoes
  • The Throwing Pros
  • Lumberjacks
  • Sudden Death
  • The Axe Kings
  • Blade Bandits
  • Bullseye Blitzers
  • Target Tamers
  • The Axe Commanders
  • Bullseye Buccaneers
  • The Axe-sationalists
  • The Blade Bashers
  • The Timber Tornadoes
  • The Axe Warriors
  • Cut Above the Rest
  • Hitting the Bullseye
  • Axecution Angels
  • Bullseye Bullets
  • Aim and Axe-celerate
  • Strike Force
  • The Axe Warriors
  • Axe-ecution Squad
  • Blade Bash
  • Target Trainers
  • The Axe Artillery
  • The Axe Advocates
  • The Throwing Legends
  • Target Destroyers
  • The Hit Masters
  • The Throwing Pit Bulls
  • The Axeholders
  • The Axellites
  • The Bullseye Strafers
  • Cut it out
  • The Axe Strikers
  • The Throwing Veterans
  • Throwing Thunderstruck
  • Bullseye Hunters
  • Under-Rotation
  • The Wood Choppers
  • Aim for the Throne
  • Just The Tip
  • Axe Addicts
  • The Axe Battalion
  • Bullseye Band
  • The Axe Addicts
  • Precision Performers

 Axe Throwing Team Names

Cool Axe Throwing Team Names

  • The Axe-celerators
  • The Axe Explorers
  • Hitting the Hardcore
  • Bullseye Breakers
  • The Axellents
  • Oddball Throws
  • Target Trouncers
  • Blade Breakers
  • The Axemen
  • Razor Resonance
  • The Axe Assaulters
  • Bullseye Bandwagon
  • Bury the Hatchet Bad Axes
  • Meet Your Match
  • The Bullseye Breakers
  • Balls of Fury
  • The Target Trappers
  • Throwing Thunder
  • The Timber Toss Squad
  • The Throwin’ Thinkers
  • Axe Adrenaline Rush
  • The Axe Squad
  • The Lumber Lunatics
  • The Axe Achievers
  • Razor’s Edge
  • Bad Axes
  • The Timber Heroes
  • Axe-Wielding Outcasts
  • Stars of Ax
  • The Axe-masters
  • Axe Acrobats
  • The Axe-sperts
  • Timber Toss Titans
  • Target Crushers
  • Stay in Your Lane
  • Axe Ambush
  • Bullseye Bombshells
  • The Throwing Thrillers
  • Don’t Drop it Like it’s Hot
  • Aim for Excellence
  • Label your axes
  • The Axe Elites
  • Axe Attack
  • Got Rings?
  • Axe Allies
  • The Bullseye Brawlers
  • Axe Aficionados
  • The Axe Magicians
  • The Axe-sational Squad
  • Bullseye Blasters
  • Bullseye Bulldogs
  • The Mighty Throwers
  • The Furious Flingers
  • Aim and Conquer
  • The Axe-fluencers
  • The Timber Tossers
  • Edge Warriors
  • Over–Rotation
  • Always on target
  • The Axe Swingers
  • The Chopping Champs
  • The Axe Allure
  • Razor Raiders
  • Blade Brekrs
  • Bullseye Battlers
  • Axe Assault
  • Sharpshooting Savages
  • The Axeperts
  • Aim to Win
  • Axecutioners
  • The Toss Tribe
  • The Precision Posse
  • Bullseye Brigade
  • Bullseye Barrage
  • Razor Rogues
  • Aim for the Platinum
  • Axe Attack
  • The Axe-ploders
  • The Axe Experts
  • The Target Tacklers

Funny Axe Throwing Team Names

  • Axe-ellent Avengers
  • Throwbros
  • The Lumberjokers
  • Axe Marks the Spot
  • Axecuted Precision
  • Blade Runners
  • Bullseye Brigade
  • The Axeholes
  • Timber Terrors
  • Hatchet Hooligans
  • Axe and Ye Shall Receive
  • Hack and Slashers
  • The Choppin’ Champs
  • Axe Warriors
  • The Axeperts
  • Aim High, Throw Low
  • Timber Titans
  • Cleaver Crew
  • Axe Menaces
  • The Blade Bandits
  • Hit the Bullseye Bros
  • The Hatchet Heroes
  • Axecelerators
  • The Chopping Champs
  • Whirling Axes
  • The Axe-haustibles
  • Hack Attack
  • Axe-ceptional
  • Sharp Shooters
  • The Axendeavors
  • Precision Punks
  • Blitzkrieg Blades
  • Timber Terminators
  • The Axebow Warriors
  • Launchpad Lumberjacks
  • Slash and Burn
  • Axe of Fury
  • The Chopping Blockers
  • Whirling Mavericks
  • Axe-o-holics
  • Axcellent Throwers
  • Bullseye Battalion
  • Axecutioner Crew
  • The Chopper Champs
  • Hatchet Harbingers
  • Slice and Dice
  • The Axe Squad
  • Lumberjack Legends
  • Hit the Mark Crew
  • Axe Attack Squad
  • Sharp Shooter Squad
  • The Axe Masters
  • Hack and Whack
  • The Timber Trailblazers
  • Axe-ecution Squad
  • Bullseye Bunch
  • Axemaniacs
  • Ultimate Axe Warriors
  • Precision Predators
  • The Timber Tossers
  • Chop ’til You Drop
  • Blade Bosses
  • Axe-plosive Team
  • The Hatchet Hustlers
  • Aim for Mayhem
  • Timber Trappers
  • Axe Factory
  • Whirling Woodsmen
  • The Axehaus Bandits
  • Strike with Might Crew

Clever Axe Throwing Team Names Ideas

  • The Axe Admirals
  • The Bullseye Buccaneers
  • Target Tacklers
  • In Turmoil
  • Look mom, 1 hand!
  • Axellent Allies
  • The Axe Mavericks
  • The Bullseye Brigade
  • Target Tamers
  • Aim and Destroy
  • The Axe Asylum
  • Heavy Metal Mayhem
  • Lethal Throwers
  • Blade Bashers
  • Throwing Thunda
  • The Axe Avengers
  • Target Tramplers
  • The Axe Punishers
  • Blade Brigade
  • Axe Amigos
  • Axe Awesomeness
  • We like big axes
  • Edge Evokers
  • Easy Party Themes
  • Target Takedown
  • Blade Bashers
  • The Axecutioners
  • Bullseye Bears
  • Blade Breakers
  • The Axe Hurlers
  • The Axe Avengers
  • The Target Thrashers
  • The Bullseye Bandits
  • Blade Bombers
  • Razor Rebels
  • The Axe Mavericks
  • Axe Attack Squad
  • The Axe Protectors
  • The Sharpshooters Crew
  • The Axe-mazing Team
  • The Axellers
  • The Logger Legends
  • Blade Throwers
  • The Blade Brigade
  • Throwing Thrashers
  • Aim to Conquer
  • Aim High, Hit Higher
  • The Axe Angels
  • Axe Attackers
  • Razor Rebels
  • Hit the target. Got wood?
  • Sharp and Deadly
  • The Precision Players
  • The Throwing Mercenaries
  • Throwing Timber
  • Bullseye Bashers
  • Edge Enforcers
  • Blade Busters
  • The Axe-mazing Squad
  • Axe Attitude
  • Throwing with Grace
  • Perfect Aim
  • Target Thrashers
  • The Axeslayers
  • Launch
  • Target Crushers
  • The Hitmakers
  • The Aim Annihilators
  • Razor Ringers
  • Hooligan Hurls
  • Axe Angels
  • Target Triumph
  • The Axe Stormers
  • Precision Pursuit
  • The Loggers
  • The Axeholics
  • Aim and Annihilate
  • Aim and Obliterate
  • Masters of the Blade
  • The Target Transcenders

Real-Life Examples of Axe Throwing Team Names

1. The Lumberjacks

The Lumberjacks, a renowned axe throwing team from the heart of the forest, have made a name for themselves with their precision and strength.

This team’s name pays homage to the traditional lumberjacks who once roamed the woods, wielding their axes with skill and determination.

2. The Axe Warriors

When it comes to axe throwing, The Axe Warriors are a force to be reckoned with. This team’s name reflects their fierce competitiveness and their commitment to mastering the art of axe throwing.

They are known for their swift and accurate throws that strike fear into the hearts of their opponents.

3. The Bullseye Bandits

The Bullseye Bandits have earned their reputation as a top-notch axe throwing team by consistently hitting the bullseye with their throws.

Their name symbolizes their ability to aim for perfection and their knack for stealing victory from their rivals, one bullseye at a time.

4. The Timber Tossers

With a name that captures the essence of the sport, The Timber Tossers are a team that excels in throwing axes with finesse and power.

They have mastered the art of launching their axes through the air, just like timber being tossed from a logging truck.

5. The Hatchet Hooligans

The Hatchet Hooligans are known for their wild and unpredictable style of axe throwing. Their name reflects their daring and unconventional approach to the sport, as they fearlessly hurl their hatchets towards the target, often surprising their opponents with unexpected precision.

6. The Blade Brigade

As the name suggests, The Blade Brigade is a team that wields their axes with the precision and coordination of a well-trained army.

Their throws are sharp and calculated, making them a formidable opponent for any team that dares to challenge them.

7. The Axe-cellent Avengers

The Axe-cellent Avengers are a team of axe throwers who possess extraordinary skills and unwavering determination.

Their name showcases their commitment to excellence and their ability to come together as a united force, ready to conquer any axe throwing challenge that comes their way.

8. The Throwing Titans

With a name that exudes strength and power, The Throwing Titans dominate the axe throwing arena with their mighty throws and unwavering focus.

They are known for their ability to launch their axes with incredible force, leaving their opponents in awe of their sheer athleticism.

9. The Axe Angels

The Axe Angels are a team of skilled female axe throwers who defy stereotypes and show the world that axe throwing is not just for men.

Their name represents their grace and precision, as they effortlessly release their axes, hitting their targets with unparalleled accuracy.

10. The Chopping Champions

The Chopping Champions are a team that has honed their axe throwing skills to perfection. Their name reflects their status as the reigning champions of the sport, as they consistently chop down their competitors with their exceptional throws and unwavering determination.


Do’s and Don’ts for Choosing an Axe Throwing Team Name

Here are some do’s and don’t to keep in mind when choosing a name for your axe throwing team:

Do: Reflect Your Team’s Identity

One of the most important aspects of selecting a team name is to ensure it reflects your group’s identity. Consider the values, interests, or inside jokes that define your team.

For example, if your team is known for its precision and accuracy, a name like “The Sharpshooters” or “The Axe Assassins” could be fitting.

Don’t: Be Offensive or Inappropriate

While it’s essential to showcase your team’s personality, it’s crucial to avoid offensive or inappropriate names. Remember that the goal is to create a positive and inclusive environment.

Stay away from names that may offend or alienate others. It’s always better to err on the side of caution and choose a name that is respectful and inclusive.

Do: Keep It Short and Memorable

When it comes to team names, shorter is often better. Opt for names that are easy to remember and pronounce.

Catchy names tend to stick in people’s minds and can help build your team’s reputation. For instance, “The Axe Squad” or “The Lumberjacks” are simple yet effective names that are hard to forget.

Don’t: Overcomplicate or Overuse Puns

While puns can be entertaining, overusing them or creating overly complicated pun-based names can become tiresome or confusing.

Remember that your team name should be easily understood and relatable to others. Avoid names that require extensive explanation or are too convoluted to be appreciated.

Do: Consider Local or Historical References

Adding a local or historical reference to your team name can add a unique and memorable touch. It shows pride in your community or pays homage to the sport’s origins.

For example, if you’re located in a town known for its timber industry, a name like “The Timber Titans” or “The Sawmill Slayers” could be a great choice.

Don’t: Copy Existing Team Names

Originality is key when it comes to choosing a team name. Avoid copying existing team names, especially those from well-known axe throwing leagues or events.

Not only does it lack creativity, but it may also lead to confusion or legal issues. Stand out from the crowd by coming up with a unique and memorable name.

Do: Involve Your Team in the Decision

Choosing a team name should be a collaborative effort. Involve all team members in the decision-making process to ensure everyone feels included and invested.

Organize brainstorming sessions or create a poll to gather ideas and opinions. By involving your team, you’ll create a stronger sense of unity and ownership over the chosen name.

Don’t: Rush the Decision

Choosing a team name is not a decision to be taken lightly. Take the time to explore different options, gather feedback, and weigh the pros and cons of each name.

Rushing the decision may result in a name that doesn’t truly represent your team or fails to resonate with others. Patience and careful consideration will lead you to the perfect name.

Do: Test the Name’s Impact

Before finalizing your team name, test its impact on others. Share the name with friends, family, or other axe throwing enthusiasts to gauge their reactions.

A name that elicits positive responses and sparks interest will likely have a greater impact on your team’s image and reputation.

Don’t: Forget to Revisit and Reevaluate

As your team evolves and grows, it’s essential to revisit and reevaluate your chosen name. Over time, your team’s identity and dynamics may change, and your original name may no longer reflect who you are.

Regularly reassess your team name to ensure it continues to resonate with your members and the axe throwing community.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are some creative and catchy axe throwing team names?

Some creative and catchy axe throwing team names include:

  • The Axe Warriors
  • Sharpshooters
  • Bullseye Bandits
  • Timber Tossers
  • Axe Assassins

2. How can I come up with a unique axe throwing team name?

To come up with a unique axe throwing team name, you can consider combining words related to axes, throwing, or any other relevant themes. Some examples include:

  • Axe Mavericks
  • Throwing Titans
  • Blade Blazers
  • Target Terminators
  • Bullseye Brigade

3. What are some funny axe throwing team names?

Here are a few funny axe throwing team names:

  • The Lumberjack Jokers
  • Axe-cuse Me?
  • Chop it Like it’s Hot
  • Axeholes
  • Throwbros

4. Can you suggest some intimidating axe throwing team names?

Here are a few intimidating axe throwing team names:

  • The Axe Annihilators
  • Warriors of Wood
  • Blade Breakers
  • Death From Above
  • The Axe Executioners

5. Are there any popular axe throwing team names?

While the popularity of team names can vary, here are some examples of popular axe throwing team names:

  • The Axe Masters
  • Throwing Thunder
  • Bullseye Battalion
  • Axe Attack
  • Target Terminators

6. How important is a team name in axe throwing competitions?

A team name can add a sense of identity, camaraderie, and fun to axe throwing competitions. While it doesn’t directly impact performance, a memorable and fitting team name can help create a sense of unity and motivate team members. It also adds to the overall experience and allows teams to stand out in the competition.


I hope you found this blog post on axe throwing team names helpful and inspiring! Throughout this article, we have explored some of the best team name ideas that will surely make your axe throwing team stand out from the crowd.

Whether you’re looking for a catchy and clever name or something more fierce and intimidating, we’ve got you covered. From “The Lumberjacks” to “The Bullseye Brigade,” these names are sure to bring a sense of unity and excitement to your team.

In my opinion, having a unique and memorable team name is not only a great way to bond with your teammates but also adds an extra element of fun to the sport of axe throwing. A creative team name can help build camaraderie and create a sense of identity within the group. It can also serve as a conversation starter and make your team more approachable to others in the axe throwing community.

I feel that by choosing a team name that reflects your team’s personality and interests, you can create a strong sense of unity and motivation.

So, whether you’re a group of friends looking for a fun weekend activity or a competitive team aiming for victory, take the time to brainstorm and choose a team name that truly represents who you are as a group.

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