285 Most Effective Anti Violence Slogans and Taglines

Violence is a major problem in the world today. It not only affects people directly, but also takes a toll on society as a whole. It can take many forms, including physical, emotional, and psychological abuse.

Fortunately, there are many ways to combat violence, one of which is the use of anti-violence slogans. Anti-violence slogans can not only spread awareness about violence, but also help to motivate people to take a stand against it.

In this blog post, we will share some of the most effective anti-violence slogans and taglines you can use to help reduce the prevalence of violence in your community.

Let’s dive in!

Catchy Anti Violence Slogans

  • Peace can spread peace, isn’t it enough?
  • Violence is deadly.
  • Keep the peace.
  • There’s no excuse for violence or abuse.
  • No justification for abuse.
  • Take space make peace.
  • Spread love and live peacefully.
  • Violence forces people to do things unwillingly.
  • Violence is always weaker.
  • If you hit her, she must look for someone more manly.
  • Being silent, you promote other violence.
  • Power to peace lovers.
  • Stop domestic violence, it is the worst you could do.
  • You just take it.
  • Power to the non-violent.
  • Keep calm, stay cool; violence makes you look like a fool.
  • Violence prevention is necessary.
  • Violence is not the solution. It’s the problem.
  • Peace makes way to happiness.
  • Women- you can’t beat ’me.
  • It’s unimaginable to live in a world full of fears.
  • If you think violence quick solutions, you are the worst interpreter.
  • A life lived violently is life wasted.
  • Becoming violent in the name of a good cause is also evil.
  • Talking for resolution is a symbol of evolution.
  • When you are violent, it’s not you it’s your anger.
  • A safe society is when it’s violence-free.
  • If you can’t be a monk, at least don’t be a punk.
  • It is bright not to fight.
  • Wives are also considered as women.
  • Love and peace can resolute.
  • Violence against violence leads to more violence.
  • Being violent is not cool; it’s done by a fool.
  • Be positive, conversation can solve any and every problem.
  • Talk, don’t abuse.
  • Enough is enough, stop violence now.
  • It is an unending war, choose peace.
  • You can bully to dominate, however not win the relationship.
  • Stop domestic violence against women, we are not an object.
  • We‘ve had enough, stop domestic violence.
  • Violence is undoubtedly objectionable, raise voice.

Best Anti Violence Slogans

  • Ask, listen and get along.
  • Violence is not the solution to any problem.
  • Women deserve better.
  • Make a difference and stop domestic violence.
  • Keep strong against violence.
  • Act wisely.
  • Don’t keep grudges, stop shaping yourself violent.
  • As long as women are tortured, the society is not free.
  • Stalking, hitting doesn’t suit men.
  • Fighting is always destructive, stay peaceful.
  • Work for peace.
  • The d in violence.
  • Violence gives birth to more which is a pessimistic approach.
  • A temporary good from violence causes permanent evil.
  • Real men don’t hit women.
  • Give respect get respect.
  • Are you violent? Get yourself cured.
  • Being silent, you promote others violence.
  • Tolerating once means tolerating forever.
  • Violence is destructive, peace is constructive.
  • Violence is a choice you don’t have to make.
  • If you think of violence quick solutions, you are a worst interpreter.
  • We want to live without violence.
  • We are the future, let’s learn to be peaceful.
  • Violence is never the answer.
  • Happy women, happy family.
  • Learn to accept, respect yields respect.
  • Violence gives birth to pessimism and fear.
  • Don’t choose to fight rather opt peace and be bright
  • Violence complicates everything.
  • Be kind, humble, peaceful, violence kills.
  • Violence is the most insane act of human.
  • A life lived violently is a life wasted.
  • Outcast violent, to make for peace.
  • Non-violence is life-saving.
  • Violence results in tragic ends.
  • Prevent domestic violence: preserve domestic tranquility.
  • Come up with a resolution, violence is never a solution.
  • Make peace with violence.

Effective Slogans for Anti Violence

  • No matter the question, violence is not the answer.
  • Don’t be rude, be kind.
  • Do not promote violence.
  • Think before you harm someone.
  • Don’t bully, next time you can get bullied.
  • Be the start of violence-free.
  • Violence is insanity, as it’s not a choice insanity.
  • Don’t hit, just sit and use your wit.
  • Fight against social evils, peacefully.
  • Don’t become a monster to fight against monsters.
  • Strong is the one who’s peaceful.
  • You are the only force that drives your relationship.
  • It’s you who decides how others will treat you, don’t tolerate violence.
  • Spread love to get a solution.
  • Violent are those who can’t face reality.
  • Talk it out, don’t fight out about it.
  • No means no, no more violence against women.
  • A fight is chosen by insensible people, smart ones prefer conversation.
  • Violence complicates and spread hates.
  • Being violent is just not right.
  • To respect women is a gentleman’s gesture.
  • Violence is never the solution.
  • Nonviolence is contagious, just approach for it.
  • Forcing someone, threatening is evil.
  • Increase surveillance, decrease violence.
  • Domestic violence prevention begins with me… and you.
  • Conversation can be the best way to solve any kind of problems.
  • When in doubt, chill out.
  • End violence to women now.
  • Love is the body, peace is the soul.
  • Love and respect others to get same in return.
  • We will not be silent.
  • Chill out and relax, there’s a solution to every problem.
  • Having a fight only ruins a relationship.
  • With respect to the non-violent.
  • Nonviolence is prevention.
  • Violence done by you is your depiction of yourself.
  • Real men don’t hit.
  • Violence destroys you from within.

Funny Anti Violence Slogans

  • Violence is not the way.
  • Being violent is not cool, it’s done by a fool.
  • Violence is always against humanity.
  • Power to peace spreaders and pity on violence spreaders.
  • Abuse is a crime, not an excuse.
  • Violence against anyone is not a sane move.
  • Say no to domestic violence.
  • Prevent violence, stop wrong.
  • Women’s rights now, stop rape now.
  • Stand up for women human rights defenders.
  • Peace, life, love.
  • Domestic violence hurts more than one person.
  • Where is peace? Find it within.
  • Women’s rights are human rights.
  • Control over your violence streak is as necessary as air to breathe.
  • Non-violence always wins over violence.
  • Domestic violence is every day issue.
  • Talk about issues sooner or later you will find the solution.
  • Use your brain, domestic violence is insane.
  • Stop domestic violence while you still have a voice.
  • Every mother is a working mother.
  • Pass on peace to end up violence.
  • Another pain by another stain in the society: domestic violence.
  • Those who are strong stop the wrong.
  • Stand against violence; it’s a stand for humanity.
  • Stopping domestic violence: it’s not just a good idea — it’s the law.
  • Stop the violence to live and let live happily.
  • Do you really think, your best reaction is violence.
  • Stay peaceful to make a difference.
  • The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power.
  • Abuse is not okay.
  • Think wisely, communicate strongly and act peacefully.
  • Domestic violence is a symbol of weakness and forwardness.
  • Live with peace to spread love and harmony.
  • Nonviolence leads to glory in life.
  • Don’t bully, imagine yourself at that place.
  • Aftermaths of violence are a portrayal of inhumanity.
  • Don’t make excuses.
  • Be a man, respect women.

Anti Violence Taglines Ideas

  • Your abusive partner doesn’t have a problem with his anger; he has a problem with your anger.
  • Take responsibility for ending rape.
  • Lessen violence increase peace for safer streets.
  • Keep calm, violence will never happen.
  • Shatter the silence, stop the violence.
  • Domestic violence not wanted.
  • Violence turns humans into devils.
  • Men: violence is a choice you don’t have to make.
  • Don’t be violent.
  • Got peace? Keep working against violence.
  • Stop domestic violence, think of your daughter, sister, mother, and wife.
  • Keep her safe, not insecure.
  • A violence-free world for all women and girls.
  • There’s no excuse, for violence or abuse.
  • Break the silence, on men’s violence.
  • Weak men fear strong women.
  • Domestic violence is not okay.
  • Insanity leads to inhumanity resulting in violence.
  • Fight against violence.
  • Stop the violence. Before everything gets ruined.
  • Run your brain not swords.
  • Violence shapes a bad society.
  • To make the world a peaceful place, start giving peace lessons to your kids.
  • Peace is the cure to damage by violence.
  • Violence kills respect and love.
  • Violence make you weak.
  • There’s no explanation for violence.
  • Violence is a symbol of weakness.
  • Violence is the worst tactic.
  • Become a peace warrior.
  • Violence is always weaker than peace.
  • Domestic violence is undoubtedly objectionable, raise voice.
  • End violence, refuse to be silent.
  • Violence rises in silence.
  • No justification can be pro-violence.
  • Speak up like humans, don’t be violent like animals.
  • Stop it while you still have a voice.
  • Spread peace and love, these are the basis of existence.
  • If your partner is violent, don’t be silent.

Anti Violence Slogans

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